Realm Information
Calvary Baptist Church has its own online community! Members can access their personal data and view their giving records at any time. Personal information, except for giving records, is available to other members and regular attenders unless the member requests that information be designated as confidential.
Realm is the name of the system that holds membership records. Once you complete the registration process, you will have access to your and other members’ information. Contact the church office for details.
Realm FAQ
What is Realm?
Realm is the online information system that Calvary uses for membership records, communications, giving records, attendance, and event registration.
What information is available in Realm?
Personal information, including name, address, phone number, email address, birth date, anniversary date, etc., is available to other members/regular attendees unless the member designates their information as confidential.
Can anyone view my giving record?
Giving records are only available to the member, Church Secretary, and Church Clerk.
Can my spouse view family giving records?
A member who wants their spouse to be able to access family giving records may request that option through the church office.
Who can request an account in Realm?
Each individual member and visitor at Calvary has an account in Realm.
What actions can be performed in Realm?
Members may keep their personal data current and view their giving record at any time directly in Realm.
How do I update my personal information in Realm?
Once you have signed into Realm, you can click on your name and select Edit Profile. Your profile contains everything you want people to know about you. Primarily, it lets others get in touch with you by phone, in person, or through email and social media. Once in the Edit mode, you can update your contact, personal and social media information. You can also add your photo to your profile.
What if my personal information changes, but I do not want access to Realm online?
Members may notify the church office of changes to keep their information in Realm current.
How do I access my account in Realm?
If you have already established an account, you can access Realm through the link below. If you have not already established an account, you can request an invitation be emailed to you to set up your personal access through the church office.